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ELbD5UMGrv1 (23.12.2015 01:29):
Thank you for this recipe! I have just moved from Louisiana to New Hampshire and aclltuay saw pea shoots in the grocery store the other day. Now I know what to do with them! If I could only find garlic chives, I would be all set. Your soup looks so delicious and so healthy. I would love to have some of it soon. Your Saturday sounds like the best kind of day. My husband and I spend some of our favorite days together that way. Have a wonderful weekend, Candace http://ivwdmoh.com [url=http://bltjcb.com]bltjcb[/url] [link=http://ivjiwx.com]ivjiwx[/link]

GxnINHg22b1 (22.12.2015 19:40):
While my pet peeve is the knee-jerk the axis must include 0 (if zero doesn't make sense for the data, it <a href="http://nxujbso.com">shloudn</a>'t be on the graph), I will agree that the above graph's scale is incredibly misleading. And working at a government agency I feel your pain. You can actually fake Excel into doing dot charts, and probably other things, but I don't even bother anymore. I have a dozen people who review every report I write before it goes out, and if I try to put in any nice graphs, they inevitably say Make it a pie chart. Everyone understands those. They're management, I'm staff, and I get overruled.

S24vIOj3 (22.12.2015 04:22):
What would most of us do devoid of the mllaevrous strategies you share on this website? Who has got the patience to deal with vital topics for the health of common readers like me? I actually and my girlfriends are very delighted to have your blog among the kinds we often visit. It is hoped you know how much we take pleasure in your working hard! Best wishes from us all.

strelanie (27.06.2011 14:18)
war absolut geil die diplomfeier in interlaken! getränke kosteten zwar ein vermögen (!) aber die show war affengeil..

tim (17.05.2011 22:31)
jop ab nach interlaken.
aber gibts nach der formellen veranstaltung auch noch eine afterparty mit umtrunk und tanz? finde der tag müsste schon ordentlich gefeiert werden.

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